Review: Bad Bunny

We all know that most bunnies are adorable and fluffy and generally like frolicking around the woods, handing out chocolate easter eggs and occasionally befriending little baby deer… But there is one little bunny who is NOT like the other little bunnies. They call him the bad bunny, and this is his story.

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Review: Tractor

How much do you know about tractoring? Do you have a little one obsessed with everything farming? Then this is the book for them! Sally Sutton is a master of informative easy to read books and her latest book Tractor is no exception.

This book is all about farming and every page takes us through different things a tractor can do.

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Review: Happy Hoppy Home

Happy Hoppy Home is an adorable story about a family of rabbits who go on a journey to find the right place to live, and who discover what home means along the way.

Papa Hare and his four children all live together in a cramped little burrow. There is no room for the bunny children (Dot, Pip and Pap, and Baby Cottontail) to play and dance and rest. So Papa Hare comes up with a brilliant plan – they will move to a bigger burrow! They dig up and down and sideways, but they can’t find anything that is big enough for them. Until finally, they find somewhere that seems just perfect, but does it really suit them?

Happy Hoppy Home is a gorgeous humbling book about home and family. It is easy to read and the illustrations are so sweet, I particularly like the different characters and how every page feels like you’re peeking into a burrow itself. The bunny illustrations are adorable and have so much character. A straightforward story, that is told with enough charm to be very enjoyable, and features an important lesson that all kids and adults need to remember – home is wherever your family are.

To grab a copy of this burrowy book, click here!

Title: Happy Hoppy Home

Author/Illustrator: Tull Suwannakit

Publisher: Scholastic

Published: 2021

Ages: 3+